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Item #G1
31.29 x 16.87 x 6.22 mm - 20.18 carats.
Solid Black Lightning Ridge Opal.
Large rare sail shaped pendant style gem, displaying all the colors of an English country garden, predominantly strong red with rolling flashes of lime green and gold, and discreet purple undertones. This extraordinary rare gem shines even in low light. Quite irreplaceable, even on the field.
Introductory offer AU: $11,900 - Currency Converter
Product code:marcttabvh
Item #G2
21.36 x 15.46 x 5.50 mm - 11.43 carats.
Lightning Ridge Black Opal.
The perfect pendant stone. It flashes a broad pattern of mostly deep, rich burgundy red, with touches of soft green and hints of gold. A very deep rich body tone to this arresting gem with a clean black natural back.
Introductory offer AU: $7,700 - Currency Converter
Product code:tgv
Item #G3
20.31 x 16.77 x 4.91 mm oval shaped, 9.63 carats.
Semi-black Lightning Ridge red fire opal
A gorgeous floral pattern of bright red mixed with emerald green and subtle hints of gold and blue. The back has two areas of opal clay inclusions visible....Superb stone.
Introductory offer AU: $4,950
Product code:tevh